الأحد، 15 مايو 2011

Semi-formal presentation summary

Last month my team gave a presentation on technology.  The presentation was about Ipad vs laptop in particular.  The team consisted of four members ( saif al Saeedi, Talal Al shehhi, Saeed Al Qobaisi and myself Ahmed Alhammadi ).  Each member was suppose to speak from three to five minutes in front of the group.  Our power point slides weren’t very good, because one of our team member left the original slides at work, which was unfortunate thing, and we had to do new slides minutes before the presentation.
We started with Saif, who gave an introduction.  He was confident and spoke pretty well.  His voice was loud and clear.  He started by going over the history of the laptop and the engineer who invented it.  By doing so he was able to get the student’s attention.  Most of us didn’t know the history of the laptop and how far it went back in history.  Saif had a good rhythm in delivering the information that showed when he mentioned that Ipod sold around eight million sets, which got the student’s attention.  During his presentation he had good eye contact with the whole class.  His gestures were within the limits and effective.
On the other hand Talal did great despite the little information available on the Ipad.  However Saeed seemed confused and nervous.  I believe he didn’t practice enough.
Overall, the presentation was good, the team presented useful information, but it could be better with more practice and preparation

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