السبت، 4 يونيو 2011


On Thursday 2nd of June our formal presentation was due.  It was about pollutions, the causes, effects and the solutions of the pollution.  We spoke of land pollutions.  Each member had his role and each was suppose to each from five minutes to seven minutes. 
I still recall our semi-formal presentation and what went wrong on that day, from the slides to not being able to deliver the information to the students. But things were different on this presentation.  We were prepared pretty well and we made our mind not to do the same mistakes again.
Saif Al saeedi started first, he introduced our topic and spoke of the team members. I still remember the semi-formal when he was in front of the students and was introducing the topic to them.  Even thought he was confident, still he seems lost from time to time. Like his brain just stopped. On this presentation he was very confident didn’t have brain freeze at all. He laid out our presentation in a good way. He spoke of the topic and its consequences; he made their people eager to hear.  During the presentation he had good eye contact with the whole students.  His body wasn’t stiff; he was relaxed I would say.
At the end, I believe Saif made a huge step in improving his presentation skills.  He can stand there and talk clearly.  

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