السبت، 4 يونيو 2011


On Thursday 2nd of June our formal presentation was due.  It was about pollutions, the causes, effects and the solutions of the pollution.  We spoke of land pollutions.  Each member had his role and each was suppose to each from five minutes to seven minutes. 
I still recall our semi-formal presentation and what went wrong on that day, from the slides to not being able to deliver the information to the students. But things were different on this presentation.  We were prepared pretty well and we made our mind not to do the same mistakes again.
Saif Al saeedi started first, he introduced our topic and spoke of the team members. I still remember the semi-formal when he was in front of the students and was introducing the topic to them.  Even thought he was confident, still he seems lost from time to time. Like his brain just stopped. On this presentation he was very confident didn’t have brain freeze at all. He laid out our presentation in a good way. He spoke of the topic and its consequences; he made their people eager to hear.  During the presentation he had good eye contact with the whole students.  His body wasn’t stiff; he was relaxed I would say.
At the end, I believe Saif made a huge step in improving his presentation skills.  He can stand there and talk clearly.  


My semi-formal presentation was bout I Pad vs. laptop, I spoke about laptop.  My preparation for the presentation was pretty good. I myself as a laptop owner  I had an idea on what are the components of the laptop and what is good to have to build a laptop. On top of that internet research helped me the most.  I got some information on the history and the engineer who invented it. To be honest I was not satisfied with my semi-final performance. Even thought I had very reliable information but I couldn’t get the best out of it. I could have done better with more practice. Best thing I did was gathering information on my presentation and one thing I want to improve is my power point slides. Our semi-formal slides were a miss, but at the last moment we had to emphasis, otherwise we wouldn’t have presented at all on that day.  One thing for sure I wouldn’t do different and that’s the information gathering about my presentation. I will improve my slides and do more practice before the final day.

By watching videos of the previous student’s presentation and some other on the YouTube, I was able to find the best way to present my work. I learned from their mistakes and experience how to do better when presenting. I learned when to use the body gestures and when to do the pauses. I learned when to ask question to get the crowed attention.  Many things changed in my last performance, I didn’t have brain freeze like I did in the semi-formal, and I knew what I wanted to say and how to deliver it.  Keeping in mind my teacher’s comments, I added little information on my slides which helped me present better.

 Communicative skills.

During this semester I improved many different skills.  Comparing my present self to few month back, I know I made a huge step.  I never knew the importance of body gestures and the pauses.   When to ask, when to be asked and considering the level of understanding to the other people.  The biggest challenge for me would be, delivering information to people don’t speak the same tongue as I do and the crowed not being interested in my presentation.  In this situation I should look for a level that they could understand it easily.  Not speaking sophisticated sentences only people working on the same field as I do could understand. But before starting the presentation I should look for a way to melt the ice between the both of us.

الأحد، 15 مايو 2011

Semi-formal presentation summary

Last month my team gave a presentation on technology.  The presentation was about Ipad vs laptop in particular.  The team consisted of four members ( saif al Saeedi, Talal Al shehhi, Saeed Al Qobaisi and myself Ahmed Alhammadi ).  Each member was suppose to speak from three to five minutes in front of the group.  Our power point slides weren’t very good, because one of our team member left the original slides at work, which was unfortunate thing, and we had to do new slides minutes before the presentation.
We started with Saif, who gave an introduction.  He was confident and spoke pretty well.  His voice was loud and clear.  He started by going over the history of the laptop and the engineer who invented it.  By doing so he was able to get the student’s attention.  Most of us didn’t know the history of the laptop and how far it went back in history.  Saif had a good rhythm in delivering the information that showed when he mentioned that Ipod sold around eight million sets, which got the student’s attention.  During his presentation he had good eye contact with the whole class.  His gestures were within the limits and effective.
On the other hand Talal did great despite the little information available on the Ipad.  However Saeed seemed confused and nervous.  I believe he didn’t practice enough.
Overall, the presentation was good, the team presented useful information, but it could be better with more practice and preparation

الجمعة، 25 مارس 2011

student success

Student Success Meeting

The Geeks Squad held a meeting at Higher College of technology to discuss some of the issues concerning students success.  I was the chairman of this meeting.  I believe the meeting went over all of the possible problems the students might face during their studies at the college. It was a successful meeting. We prepared well for it. We had a good feedback from the students who were part in our survey which was conducted by Saif. This survey included good number of students and the outcome of that survey was amazing. We discovered some of the problems that are affecting the students and their marks. During the meeting everything went according to my plan and my team was excited and they were trying their best to come up with the best solution and suggestion for the problems we are discussing. Saif suggestion that we make extra English classes for those who are weak in English whiles Talal suggested that the teachers use easier methods to make the students understand the subjects more. On the other hand Saeed suggested that a new methods of teaching should be implanted.  Many suggestions were made by my team and we decided to take these to the student council. Over all the meeting came up with many solutions for most of the problems that the students themselves spoke of. In my opinion my team and I did great, I didn’t expect to get so many feedbacks from them at the start.  We decide to meet up again after a month from now.

Student Success Meeting Minutes
          Date: March14, 2011 14:20 to 14:50 Venue: ADMC Room W104
Meeting called by: Mr. Ahmed Alhamadi Type of meeting: issue resolving
Note Taker: Mr. Talal Alshehhi
Attendees:  All members (Mr. Ahmed Alhamadi, Mr. Saif Alsaeedi , Mr. Talal Alshehhi, Mr. Saeed Hareb).
1.    Welcome, Attendance, Note Taker
·         Meeting started at 14:20
2.    Students do not understand the subject:
·         Give more English lessons.
·         Teachers should use an easier method which helps the students to understand.
3.    Not familiar with the lectures:
·         Use more than one technique to lecture the student.  
·         Teachers should take some lessons to learn how to deal with the average student.
4.    Students care less about the subject:
·         Have a meeting (open day) with the parents and give them a feedback about their children progress.
      5.    Shy to participate in class:
·         Make some activites.
       6.Students who does not study:
·         Force them to study by giving them more homework and more exams.

7.    A quick review for :
·         Everyone was clear about the suggestions and our recommendations after the note taker reviewed it.
8.    Action Plan:
·         The Note Taker shall take our suggestions and give it to Students Academic Service Manager  Mr. Khalid Abdullah for implementation.

9.    Progress check meeting:
·         Another meeting will be held within Three weeks time

الخميس، 17 فبراير 2011

my 1st blogger

My name is Ahmed Al Hammadi, Im a father of three kids. I was born in February 1976.  I attended elementary school and secondary at the same school. I graduated with an average score.  In 1997 I had the chance to go and continue my studies in United Kingdom.  I studied English language for six month at School of English Studies in Folkestone.  After a year I joined an aviation college to study aircraft engineering.  The course lasted for two years. In 2000 I finished my college and returned home. 

Difficulties of presenting:

-          Overwhelming pressure.
-          Not feeling comfortable in from of big crowed.
-          Being afraid and cautious of making mistakes, and the audience.
-           My topic might not get to the audience.